Thursday, February 1, 2007

THU 01/02/07

After I woke up when I started eating my breakfast I found I have a feeling to generate some settings for my short film therefore I stayed in lounge a couple of while then went to college to meet with Donald and Johnny. When I told to Donald I prefer to a room has more oxygen then Johnny show us to go to a room which is near my department and I never been there. The room looks like formal for a meeting.

Johnny told me he will view up my proposal and we might have some discussion by emailing, he wants me to re-build my title for my dissertation to be smaller size which can be definite within 7000 words and think 2 to 3 sub-topics in the dissertation. Sounds interesting to write a dissertation I hope I have more time.

I made a dinner for me before the prayer time with my flat mates. We prayed a lot I quite moved and my Chinese flat mate decided back to China in the summer or he will re-think about whether keep stay here or not in that time. I found I have a feeling that don’t want he back home and I found I have to join their evening group in Sue Wang’s home on Saturday. Because I know he(my flat mate) wants to be strong Christian, I think maybe I can remind him something he unaware of and I also can share with all the Christians there to re-build the relationship with them if I am strong enough or stronger than others. The reason is I realize if one of them back to their home town and hard to find a church or to go to a church is not as easy as in the UK, whether they will lose the faith or not. If they are strong Christian at least they can be the candle of light in China.

The reason he wants back to China is he is hard to find a suitable job here and there is almost 2 years job hutting and his VISA will on due in the begin of next year.

However I found I have 3 days a week in church I am afraid if I go to join Saturday night’s group with them I will lose the time to study.

I wrote a letter to Liyun:
May God bless you and be with you everyday every moment, if you have spare time on Tuesday I would like to introduce you to join the building block course in Charlotte Chapel church, it's for Christian who need a foundation I took the course from two weeks ago, even though being a Christian 2 and half years, but what I need is to listen to His words and read His words.

I was being like you doing services in my home church I like to do service at that time, actually, I am still laking His words, it's not good for me because I got the passion but without His spirit therefore I tried to balance my time in church and in study the year before I came to Edinburgh, but I still not read bible everyday, and I can not have patient to read from Gen.

Thank God, let me can be sensitive on His way eventhough I am laking His words. So after I come here I tried to read bible everyday and I really can do that day by day. I know I am still laking His words but I know what I need, if I want to be strong Christian I need His words and practise His words. The first year in my Christian life I found I am laking His words but at that time I was a vice leader of youth fellowship, I was very busy to do services I spend the time like full time services in church that I found I am too busy to read bible just being doing services but I also had chance to share the good news to other people, the worst situation is when I want to share the good news I can not find the words in scripture so I keep remember what I am laking till I have time then I can do it. Last year before I come here I still can not find the time because I am preparing to study abroad. So when I got here I told myself I want to have the time to read more God's words and I want to be strong Christian. Right now I am not strong enough but I bare the goal in my mind.

What I am trying to say is don't worry about what you are laking, just pray and to obtain it from God, do it as soon as you can, and be patient. He has time, and if you found you are still laking and you can not help in the right moment what you can do is don't forget what you are laking of and keep the relationship with God. You will have more chance in your home country to practice. May Abba, Father gives you more power and wisdom. You are better than me, you can be a very strong Christian in the first two years in your Christian life. Pray in Jesus precious name, A man.

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