Sunday, July 8, 2007

SUN 08/07/07

今天禮拜 重複唱了兩首上週主日選的歌 都是讓我感動又喜歡的詩歌.
Lord we come before You now & Everything

~Tim Hughes

Key: B
Verse 1:
God in my living
There in my breathing
God in my waking
God in my sleeping

God in my resting
There in my working
God in my thinking
God in my speaking

Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything
Be my everything

Verse 2:
God in my hoping
There in my dreaming
God in my watching
God in my waiting

God in my laughing
There in my weeping
God in my hurting
God in my healing

Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory
You are everything

Christ in me
Christ in me
Christ in me the hope of glory
Be my everything

