Saturday, March 3, 2007

SAT 03/03/07

Today just being relax and do some small things wait the events which will be held in Festival Theatre, unfortunately, 魏銀Yin Wei (Film & TV, ECA, Bei Jin, China) told me the events were canceled due to the Scottish power was broken. So it’s being really urgent to text messages to my friends, Hong Tao, Bi Huei (Elma) and Lisa. Then I got a confirmation from Liyun.

Liyun told me they invite sisters of CECE (愛丁堡華人福音教會) to our flat, I just think I got something to do therefore I call him back telling him I want to study tonight so can’t spend some time with them. Sometimes I might be the one being annoying by other people. (Because sometimes I am not willing to spend times to eat or go out together)

They arrive earlier than my flat mates so I share my experiment animations to them and chatting. They invite me join the dinner with them but I think I should study, after my study, Jia Hong and sister chat with me, sister told me tonight there is full lunar eclipse in the UK. I join their chatting and tell them the information and enjoy the ice cone with them. After they go home, I go down to see the moon after they go back home and tell my flat mates to see together and text the information to my friends.

My flat mate tell me the events will be changed to few weeks later, I think I can invite more friends to come along.

