Shoot more experiment film in my studio.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
TUE 27/02/07
Shoot more experiment film in my studio
I have a meeting with Donald (course leader and tutor) and Alan (lecture) about my study agreement form, the conversation makes me a bit upset.
Monday, February 26, 2007
MON 26/02/07
During the prayer time, my flat mate, Steven told me Philip will come back to Edinburgh on FRI.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
SUN 25/02/07
The 3rd day of weekend away; my elder sister's birthday.
Sit with Jane during breakfast time ask Lucy and my Chinese name ‘s meaning.
Feel very touched about Lynn’ s witness in the morning before sermon.
Walk around Melrose and seeing the rugby player quite interesting
-Back home-
Jane told us, all the people in the bus, when she was a student quite shine and lacking confidence then she remind us just keep faith, nothing need to be afraid.
Talk with Joseph (South Korea)
Borrow a hymn book to learn some words
Doing Sabbath
Met Andrew and David, they join Building Blocks class as well
Lucy and I will go out to take a film on FRI.
Go back home with Girly
Receive Katie’ s email reply we will meet tomorrow, thanks to Lynn
Saturday, February 24, 2007
SAT 24/02/06
The 2nd day of weekend away
Go to Jedburgh and …
After dinner is talent show and celebrate Leonard’s birthday
Ceilidh dancing
Sand messages to Erica for her birthday
Friday, February 23, 2007
FRI 23/02/07
See the dentist
Send my re-write study agreement to Donald
Go to lecture for Chaplin until 15.00
Go to Charlotte Chapel on time and starts my Weekend Away with sisters and bothers of International Fellowship in church.
Go to Melrose on Jane’s bus sit with Euna (South Korea), we talk a lot and exchange languages.
Arrive there, I am in room 11, group Badger
Going out for a short walk around the ruin, Lucy told me she can help me to do the puppets again.
One couple, Dorcus and Angelo, in the fellowship upload the photos they took on website the linkage as below:
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
WED 21/02/07
I wake up early because Bev, Donald and I will go to Heriot Watt Univ. to meet Ruth. Thank to Donald and Bev for accompany.
My eye is still painful so I go to toilet then I find there are 3 eyelashes on my eyeball, no wonder it’ s being hurt. My poor eye and rigid contact lance.
I make a really good lunch for myself.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
TUE 20/02/07
Today is my big day!
Get up very early
Coach station
When arrive at Buchanan Bus Station call Pei Hsuan
We meet at GOMA
Go to GSA have lunch in canteen
Go to see GSA’ s main building and library –two of architect Mackintosh’ s work
Go to Pei Hsuan’ s flat and see her work.
I break my right rigid contact lance, the reason that I take of the lance is because my right eye hurts and when I trying to wash my contact lance I do pull up the plug but it loose and I amnot aware of that so when my contact lance drop from my hand I find it seems like goes into the drain so I press the plug quickly then it just happened.
Pei Hsuan bring us to Kelvingrove Art Gellery and Museum, and see one of Dali’ s work, the work is St. John on cross. After we seen the work Pei Hsuan start to ask me about the Korean fellowship in Christianity she’ s being to.
Eat dinner- sandwich in George Square with Elma then go to find Malmeison Hotel in 278 “George Street” however we can not find it and a nice kind elder told us a well known Malmeison Hotel in West George Street and the time is almost 6.00 pm, I know I would miss the chance to be introduced and also to explain my works here are printing the original works still on the way from Taiwan...
I am told to stand beside my work and be taken pictures, and my another work in 2 places away so when the photographer take a picture for rest works he find me again at that moment I am really fulfilled. Elma and I met Caroline there, I feel so exiting about I have two works can be displayed and judged tonight. After photos we have to wait till 7.00 pm for the outcome, a lady come to talk with me about my works arrive in Southampton today, and there are 48 people join the competition I feel so proud of it and there are only 11 peoples. Jonathan come to the venue and talks with his students, Caroline and Elma, and he also talks with me. Elma and I found some illustrations are quite incompletion, and it’ s a bit wear about why it can be chosen.
Elma think I would win a price but I do not have any. The time is really special for me I feel I am just a visitor not a competitor and when the man announce the prices going it’s really amazing the first price goes to Caroline, the second price goes to a Malaysia girl, BA of GSA. The third price goes to a girl BA of ECA. After that Elma and I enjoy ourselves for the food and we chat a lot with Jonathan.
It’s really nice hotel and also my first time to stay in a good hotel in Glasgow
Catch the bus, I leas a wrong direction when we walk on Buchanan Street when I find we are at St. Enoch (metro) then we run the whole street to the bus station.
On the way home I cry a lot even though I told to myself and Elma that I don’t feel sad but I just feel like to cry.
When I back home, my flat mates are very concerned about me and want to know the outcome, thank for them.
Monday, February 19, 2007
MON 19/02/07
Caroline told us she will go to Glasgow for a competition tomorrow, then we found we joined the same competition.
prayer time
Caroline told us she will go to Glasgow for a competition tomorrow, then we found we joined the same competition.
prayer time
Sunday, February 18, 2007
SUN 18/02/07
上午出門前室友Steven跟我說今天一起晚餐 他有邀請蘇牧師一家人和永銓一家人及Eric一家人(之前跟Steven住在這), 我跟他說我已經跟朋友約好晚餐了, 但心裡覺得不參加有點可惜 因為好久沒見到蘇牧師了.
今天的禮拜收穫很多, 因為我試著專心聽. 今天的講道是耶利米書 7-8:3
“…我清清楚楚的看見你們的一舉一動.”7:11(現中譯本) “…I have seen what you are doing.” 7:11(TEV) 這一句再次提醒了我, 最近我自己的壓力變大 也常常覺得無助 但我身邊有許多的弟兄或姊妹比我更需要上帝 我這樣的壓力算得了什麼, 我唯一能做的只有一再的提醒自己 信靠上帝和祂的話語, 我永遠記得我在室友的一本由台灣印製的小冊上 看了一個弟兄的見證 我深深被那句經文和他的見證感動, 經文是希伯來書11:13”這些人是至死有信心的人, 他們並沒有領受到上帝所應許的; 可是從遠處觀望, 心裡歡喜, 又承認他們在世上不過是異鄉人和旅客.” 那弟兄講述他父親的一生被病痛折磨 自己雖然貧苦 卻仍熱心捐助 他父親試著向他傳福音 而使得他與他父親的距離越來越遠 但他十分後悔 在他父親離世時 他父親撐著身體的病痛 向著天父宣告 讓當時的人都很震驚. 而他信主是在他母親蒙主召恩之後, 這位見證人自小生活非然貧困 甚至被同學譏笑 直到他長大後 才越來越了解自己的父親. 他們的一生 就如同這段經文, 當我看完這見證時 我真的哭到不行. 聖經裡總是給我們各方面的話語, 為要我們處於各種時候都能抓住神. 我也了解到 我的生命仍在持續的practice上帝的話, practice這一詞真是有趣 是實踐也是練習. 我覺得我是在練習上帝的話 又或許我們都是在練習中實踐上帝的話. 練習才能使自己成長 有了成長就是實踐上帝的話. 我們現在在做什麼 上帝都知道.
在聖經舊約裡 總可以看到上帝所應允的一切 正當心裡有所疑惑 對於那些沒有被應允的呢? 世上這麼多的事…等候和種種災難, 後來就看到這樣的見證和經文. 希伯來書11:35-40 解釋了許多人憑著信心忍受了許多折磨, 摧殘, 迫害 (v15)”…為要得到更美好的新生命” (v39, v40)這些人的信心都有著很不平凡的紀錄; 可是他們並沒有領受到上帝所應許的, 因為上帝決定給我們作更美好的安排. 祂的旨意是:”他們必須跟我們一道才能達到完全.”
耶利米書 7:16”上主說:”耶利米呀, 不要替這些人禱告, 也不要為他們哀求. 你不要向我祈求, 因為我不聽.”” 牧師用這句話提醒我們
禮拜結束後遇到Lynn 告訴她Lichi三月會回愛丁堡辦休學, 遇到些熟面孔 一邊思考著今天的學生午餐要不要參加, 想著想著 就留下來了. Joshua 和Phoebe 看到我是這裡明顯的外國人 很熱情的接待我 真的很感動, 後來因為併桌 週二building blocks認識的學生David和Andrew也加入同一桌 今天的午餐是tuna potatoes 和一些蔬菜還有巧克力蛋糕 讓我很enjoy這份午餐.
之後我們一起討論 詩篇42, 43章. 我們討論大衛當時的心境 及從這些章節看 如何運用在生活中.
回家後赫然發現忘了帶鑰匙 正在想該怎麼辦時 打電話給璧卉問她想不想早點去鴻濤家 她建議我去她家或到學校 當我知道她可以自己去鴻濤家時 我決定今晚與室友們和其他人一起吃飯, 但我必須等他們回來. 打電話給室友時 他們正在練詩歌 在外面冷颼颼的等了好久 有人進出 好想跟那些人說 讓我在裡面等 又怕人家覺得我怪. 在等待的時候突然想到 還好我今天有留下來吃學生午餐 否則 我會等更久 又餓又累 感謝主賞賜的午餐.
Eric一家人回來了, Emily(Eric的太太) 跟我說之前她也有這樣的經驗 她還是按門鈴進到屋裡等. 之後大家陸陸續續到齊, 牧師仍然很關心的詢問我的近況, 謝謝牧師. 晚餐好豐盛 真的好棒, 吃飽後 我趕緊準備水果 這是我一點點的心意 謝謝他們給我的美好回憶, 也拍了照片留念. 感謝主賞賜的晚餐.
* 姊姊們和Panouli平安的從法國城堡旅遊回來.
今天的禮拜收穫很多, 因為我試著專心聽. 今天的講道是耶利米書 7-8:3
“…我清清楚楚的看見你們的一舉一動.”7:11(現中譯本) “…I have seen what you are doing.” 7:11(TEV) 這一句再次提醒了我, 最近我自己的壓力變大 也常常覺得無助 但我身邊有許多的弟兄或姊妹比我更需要上帝 我這樣的壓力算得了什麼, 我唯一能做的只有一再的提醒自己 信靠上帝和祂的話語, 我永遠記得我在室友的一本由台灣印製的小冊上 看了一個弟兄的見證 我深深被那句經文和他的見證感動, 經文是希伯來書11:13”這些人是至死有信心的人, 他們並沒有領受到上帝所應許的; 可是從遠處觀望, 心裡歡喜, 又承認他們在世上不過是異鄉人和旅客.” 那弟兄講述他父親的一生被病痛折磨 自己雖然貧苦 卻仍熱心捐助 他父親試著向他傳福音 而使得他與他父親的距離越來越遠 但他十分後悔 在他父親離世時 他父親撐著身體的病痛 向著天父宣告 讓當時的人都很震驚. 而他信主是在他母親蒙主召恩之後, 這位見證人自小生活非然貧困 甚至被同學譏笑 直到他長大後 才越來越了解自己的父親. 他們的一生 就如同這段經文, 當我看完這見證時 我真的哭到不行. 聖經裡總是給我們各方面的話語, 為要我們處於各種時候都能抓住神. 我也了解到 我的生命仍在持續的practice上帝的話, practice這一詞真是有趣 是實踐也是練習. 我覺得我是在練習上帝的話 又或許我們都是在練習中實踐上帝的話. 練習才能使自己成長 有了成長就是實踐上帝的話. 我們現在在做什麼 上帝都知道.
在聖經舊約裡 總可以看到上帝所應允的一切 正當心裡有所疑惑 對於那些沒有被應允的呢? 世上這麼多的事…等候和種種災難, 後來就看到這樣的見證和經文. 希伯來書11:35-40 解釋了許多人憑著信心忍受了許多折磨, 摧殘, 迫害 (v15)”…為要得到更美好的新生命” (v39, v40)這些人的信心都有著很不平凡的紀錄; 可是他們並沒有領受到上帝所應許的, 因為上帝決定給我們作更美好的安排. 祂的旨意是:”他們必須跟我們一道才能達到完全.”
耶利米書 7:16”上主說:”耶利米呀, 不要替這些人禱告, 也不要為他們哀求. 你不要向我祈求, 因為我不聽.”” 牧師用這句話提醒我們
禮拜結束後遇到Lynn 告訴她Lichi三月會回愛丁堡辦休學, 遇到些熟面孔 一邊思考著今天的學生午餐要不要參加, 想著想著 就留下來了. Joshua 和Phoebe 看到我是這裡明顯的外國人 很熱情的接待我 真的很感動, 後來因為併桌 週二building blocks認識的學生David和Andrew也加入同一桌 今天的午餐是tuna potatoes 和一些蔬菜還有巧克力蛋糕 讓我很enjoy這份午餐.
之後我們一起討論 詩篇42, 43章. 我們討論大衛當時的心境 及從這些章節看 如何運用在生活中.
回家後赫然發現忘了帶鑰匙 正在想該怎麼辦時 打電話給璧卉問她想不想早點去鴻濤家 她建議我去她家或到學校 當我知道她可以自己去鴻濤家時 我決定今晚與室友們和其他人一起吃飯, 但我必須等他們回來. 打電話給室友時 他們正在練詩歌 在外面冷颼颼的等了好久 有人進出 好想跟那些人說 讓我在裡面等 又怕人家覺得我怪. 在等待的時候突然想到 還好我今天有留下來吃學生午餐 否則 我會等更久 又餓又累 感謝主賞賜的午餐.
Eric一家人回來了, Emily(Eric的太太) 跟我說之前她也有這樣的經驗 她還是按門鈴進到屋裡等. 之後大家陸陸續續到齊, 牧師仍然很關心的詢問我的近況, 謝謝牧師. 晚餐好豐盛 真的好棒, 吃飽後 我趕緊準備水果 這是我一點點的心意 謝謝他們給我的美好回憶, 也拍了照片留念. 感謝主賞賜的晚餐.
* 姊姊們和Panouli平安的從法國城堡旅遊回來.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
SAT 17/0207
上午吃著早餐 一邊看著昨晚室友們忙著做今天除夕活動的一些金句卡片 讓我覺得好感動.
今天終於有足夠的時間去找打工 由於一直沒試超市的工作機會 因此今天走到 Nicolson Street 上的Lidl 及 TESCO, 在去的路上 有位女士問我Castle在哪個方向 在沒預警被問路的情形下 我的英文突然變得很不輪轉, 跟她指了方向後 我想一想 又走過去跟她說 我可以帶你走一條截徑很快就能走到Castle, 於是帶著她和她的先生, 女兒 走到Grassmarket後 指給他們看那長長的階梯, 他們都很高興. 這次我總算有把握機會幫助人了.
Lidl 及 TESCO都收了我的履歷 感謝主. 後來在附近的Pound Saver商店遇到格子潘的同學, 聊了一下才知道他們今年六月就畢業了. 好快.
回家的路上 我又試了Sainsbury 和我家附近的Somerfield. 回到家後 又再一次思考晚上是否要到少梅和Stephen家 最後還是決定不去. 於是自己做了一頓豐富的晚餐犒賞自己.
晚上 Steven給我和室友紅包 我真的好感動. 我想 我應該找個機會煮一頓飯給室友們.
最後想了想 我明天應該還是會跟朋友一起吃飯, 明天是跟璧卉, 凱祥和鴻濤的兩個外國朋友到鴻濤的宿舍吃飯. 如果明天可以不去 那我就不去.
今天終於有足夠的時間去找打工 由於一直沒試超市的工作機會 因此今天走到 Nicolson Street 上的Lidl 及 TESCO, 在去的路上 有位女士問我Castle在哪個方向 在沒預警被問路的情形下 我的英文突然變得很不輪轉, 跟她指了方向後 我想一想 又走過去跟她說 我可以帶你走一條截徑很快就能走到Castle, 於是帶著她和她的先生, 女兒 走到Grassmarket後 指給他們看那長長的階梯, 他們都很高興. 這次我總算有把握機會幫助人了.
Lidl 及 TESCO都收了我的履歷 感謝主. 後來在附近的Pound Saver商店遇到格子潘的同學, 聊了一下才知道他們今年六月就畢業了. 好快.
回家的路上 我又試了Sainsbury 和我家附近的Somerfield. 回到家後 又再一次思考晚上是否要到少梅和Stephen家 最後還是決定不去. 於是自己做了一頓豐富的晚餐犒賞自己.
晚上 Steven給我和室友紅包 我真的好感動. 我想 我應該找個機會煮一頓飯給室友們.
最後想了想 我明天應該還是會跟朋友一起吃飯, 明天是跟璧卉, 凱祥和鴻濤的兩個外國朋友到鴻濤的宿舍吃飯. 如果明天可以不去 那我就不去.
Friday, February 16, 2007
FRI 16/02/07
今天 在學校把我的setting-窗戶和門都裝上了hinge, 都是我自己裝的喔 (再次謝謝Douggi幫我釘好這些setting) 晚上回到家後 感覺疲憊 很想偷懶不去小組 但最後我還是去了 因為 我知道我每次不去 時間空出來了也沒做什麼事.
感謝主 有來聚會是對的, 今天是查路得記第四章 可惜我今天不夠專心 吸收不多, 看到淳婷心情非常愉快. Philip的太太今天跟我們分享 她八十歲的公公信主了, Philip因他爸爸突然胃出血及肝腫瘤 趕回香港, 感謝主 經過二至三週後 他的父親的心能夠柔軟下來 真的是神在作工 及大家的禱告. 聚會結束後, 我告訴淳婷 最近覺得時間壓力好大 明天有兩個除夕的聚會活動 星期天還要跟朋友吃飯 好想什麼都不參加.
看著他們忙碌的準備東西 心中覺得 自己應該幫忙 謝謝他們和每位弟兄姊妹的辛勞, 百般的思索 最後還是跟室友們說明天不去除夕聚會, Steven說:”好 沒關係 但你又少了一個機會了.” 立允問:”為什麼?” 如果沒問我為什麼 我可能好過些, 我說 反正一年很快就過去 沒有過中國年也沒關係, 因為最近好忙 要做作業, 找打工, 看書等等, 下週二要去Glasgow因為作品參賽, 所以…
其實我心想 去跟不去 為自己解決多少事或完成多少事 的結果應該是差不多的.
感謝主 有來聚會是對的, 今天是查路得記第四章 可惜我今天不夠專心 吸收不多, 看到淳婷心情非常愉快. Philip的太太今天跟我們分享 她八十歲的公公信主了, Philip因他爸爸突然胃出血及肝腫瘤 趕回香港, 感謝主 經過二至三週後 他的父親的心能夠柔軟下來 真的是神在作工 及大家的禱告. 聚會結束後, 我告訴淳婷 最近覺得時間壓力好大 明天有兩個除夕的聚會活動 星期天還要跟朋友吃飯 好想什麼都不參加.
看著他們忙碌的準備東西 心中覺得 自己應該幫忙 謝謝他們和每位弟兄姊妹的辛勞, 百般的思索 最後還是跟室友們說明天不去除夕聚會, Steven說:”好 沒關係 但你又少了一個機會了.” 立允問:”為什麼?” 如果沒問我為什麼 我可能好過些, 我說 反正一年很快就過去 沒有過中國年也沒關係, 因為最近好忙 要做作業, 找打工, 看書等等, 下週二要去Glasgow因為作品參賽, 所以…
其實我心想 去跟不去 為自己解決多少事或完成多少事 的結果應該是差不多的.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
THU 15/02/07
今天跟Graham約好要繼續填完表格, 已經從上週填到這週 因為Graham太忙了, 今天總算填好真的很謝謝他及Janny(都是她在幫忙打字)還有Sarah很熱心提供我工作訊息, 要是真的申請到了fund要好好答謝他們.
跟Nicola(Communication Manager/ Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance) 聯絡上 確定我的作品能夠在20日寄到, 她會先將我的作品列印出來 若能在20日前抵達就能將我的原作換上 否則20日當晚6點就要開始評審了.
今天是雕塑系大二, 三的聯合展覽開募誌慶, 我, 璧卉, 筱山, 以柔, 格子潘在會場上聚在一起, 一群台灣人, 呵呵. 今天帶了相機 卻沒電… 之後我, 璧卉, 筱山去咖啡館看筱山的今天完成的紀錄片, 也在今天把聖經給筱山.
跟Nicola(Communication Manager/ Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance) 聯絡上 確定我的作品能夠在20日寄到, 她會先將我的作品列印出來 若能在20日前抵達就能將我的原作換上 否則20日當晚6點就要開始評審了.
今天是雕塑系大二, 三的聯合展覽開募誌慶, 我, 璧卉, 筱山, 以柔, 格子潘在會場上聚在一起, 一群台灣人, 呵呵. 今天帶了相機 卻沒電… 之後我, 璧卉, 筱山去咖啡館看筱山的今天完成的紀錄片, 也在今天把聖經給筱山.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
WED 14/02/07
璧卉(Elma插畫所/高雄人)告訴我可怕的消息, 昨天下午 一個黑人突然闖入 還待在studio裡一直講手機, 當時只有璧卉和Trav(我的愛爾蘭同學), Trav很鎮靜一直跟他說話 最後Trav問他要不要抽煙 就把他帶出去了… 幸好Trav在, 只有這時候 我會說幸好他有這嗜好… 我跟璧卉Elma說天阿 我昨天那個時候在digital room看動畫, 如果 我昨天回studio我就會碰到這件事 但至少有三人 也比較多人點, 真的好危險…
找Douggi拿請他幫我釘的場景 之後找Donald 給他看我拍的實驗性動畫.
打電話留言和寄email給比賽主辦單位 跟他們確定我的作品已從台灣寄出, 晚上收到email回覆 感謝主 希望我有機會. 20號會在Malmaison Hotel, Glasgow(格拉斯哥)展出所有入圍作品, 主辦單位是Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance, 他們回覆的內容是 會先將我的作品print出來 要是我的作品來得及寄到 就會幫我換上我的原稿, 否則有可能不能進入評審決賽. 真的要好好為這件事禱告. 璧卉跟我那天會從上午就去Glasgow.
禱告會之前 一直擔心自己是不是會帶得不好, 很感謝主 今晚的禱告會進行相當順利 我自己很感動 而我的室友們也是 願主持續的保守帶領 我們和我們所關心的人. 忘了請室友為我的比賽禱告.
今天感覺很充實 很愉快, 其實今天沒做太多事 但心中的踏實 是在禱告會之後才有的, 忙碌的學業 一天下來 有時連禱告都不能專心, 每當我有這種意識時 就趕緊禱告 求主安靜我的心.
找Douggi拿請他幫我釘的場景 之後找Donald 給他看我拍的實驗性動畫.
打電話留言和寄email給比賽主辦單位 跟他們確定我的作品已從台灣寄出, 晚上收到email回覆 感謝主 希望我有機會. 20號會在Malmaison Hotel, Glasgow(格拉斯哥)展出所有入圍作品, 主辦單位是Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance, 他們回覆的內容是 會先將我的作品print出來 要是我的作品來得及寄到 就會幫我換上我的原稿, 否則有可能不能進入評審決賽. 真的要好好為這件事禱告. 璧卉跟我那天會從上午就去Glasgow.
禱告會之前 一直擔心自己是不是會帶得不好, 很感謝主 今晚的禱告會進行相當順利 我自己很感動 而我的室友們也是 願主持續的保守帶領 我們和我們所關心的人. 忘了請室友為我的比賽禱告.
今天感覺很充實 很愉快, 其實今天沒做太多事 但心中的踏實 是在禱告會之後才有的, 忙碌的學業 一天下來 有時連禱告都不能專心, 每當我有這種意識時 就趕緊禱告 求主安靜我的心.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
TUE 13/02/07
今天上午到 ”Super Mum” 面試Babysitting的工作, 還算順利 只是不知會不會有機會而已, 當主管面試我時 問我知不知道first aid. 說真的 對於小孩的我不知道… 哈, 再加上要用英文表達 又更難了. 所以我想機會是渺茫的.
下午到 ”紅茶館” 跟這老闆在他的另一間公司面試, 很正式的一間公司 原先我還以為我走錯. 還要等回覆 不知有沒有機會, 我還跟這老闆說要是公司有需要設計我也可以幫忙的 (唉有機會打工就不錯了 還挑…不知會不會被扣分).
回到學校後 到wood workshop找Douggi (wood workshop technician), 卻沒人在. 在去digital room時經過sculpture court 遇到了以柔(雕塑系大三/台灣人) 跟以柔談話時 看到Daoggi在忙著釘板子, 竟然他也看到我了 跟我揮了一下 我也點了頭 表示我知道他在忙, 後來看到Tobbi (雕塑系大二/Essex, England) 聊了一下近況 他也提醒我星期四下午五點是雕塑系聯合展覽的開募誌慶 (這天我一定要帶相機), 跟Tobbi說話時 Graham正好經過 跟我說明天去找他填表格.
到Digital Room把之前Donald (tutor and course leader of Animation) 借我的電影 看一遍, 後來筱山 (電影所, 台灣人)來找我聊她的近況
接著 去Charlotte Chapel Church上 ”Building Blocks” 的課, 感覺很棒 學了很多 由於上週沒去再加上第一, 二堂沒上到 於是一位姊妹拿了三張光碟 請我帶回去看, 真好!! 今天討論的內容 和引用金句正好明天我帶跟室友的禱告會(與室友輪流帶) 時就可以用上.
下午到 ”紅茶館” 跟這老闆在他的另一間公司面試, 很正式的一間公司 原先我還以為我走錯. 還要等回覆 不知有沒有機會, 我還跟這老闆說要是公司有需要設計我也可以幫忙的 (唉有機會打工就不錯了 還挑…不知會不會被扣分).
回到學校後 到wood workshop找Douggi (wood workshop technician), 卻沒人在. 在去digital room時經過sculpture court 遇到了以柔(雕塑系大三/台灣人) 跟以柔談話時 看到Daoggi在忙著釘板子, 竟然他也看到我了 跟我揮了一下 我也點了頭 表示我知道他在忙, 後來看到Tobbi (雕塑系大二/Essex, England) 聊了一下近況 他也提醒我星期四下午五點是雕塑系聯合展覽的開募誌慶 (這天我一定要帶相機), 跟Tobbi說話時 Graham正好經過 跟我說明天去找他填表格.
到Digital Room把之前Donald (tutor and course leader of Animation) 借我的電影 看一遍, 後來筱山 (電影所, 台灣人)來找我聊她的近況
接著 去Charlotte Chapel Church上 ”Building Blocks” 的課, 感覺很棒 學了很多 由於上週沒去再加上第一, 二堂沒上到 於是一位姊妹拿了三張光碟 請我帶回去看, 真好!! 今天討論的內容 和引用金句正好明天我帶跟室友的禱告會(與室友輪流帶) 時就可以用上.
Monday, February 12, 2007
MON 12/02/07
上午還在繼續趕工 一邊接到電話 是之前應徵 ”紅茶館” 通知明天面試, 真是太棒了.
今天是我的Big Day, 雖然也不是發表的很好 但我很滿意 也很開心. 一直期待Presentation結束的這一刻, 真的是如釋重負. 和Elma一起分享淳婷帶來的點心 正好魏銀 (大二電影系, 中國東北省) 來找我 大家也聊了一下.
晚上(台灣時間13日上午) 等不及比賽單位回覆了 只好請媽媽破費幫我寄出.
今天是我的Big Day, 雖然也不是發表的很好 但我很滿意 也很開心. 一直期待Presentation結束的這一刻, 真的是如釋重負. 和Elma一起分享淳婷帶來的點心 正好魏銀 (大二電影系, 中國東北省) 來找我 大家也聊了一下.
晚上(台灣時間13日上午) 等不及比賽單位回覆了 只好請媽媽破費幫我寄出.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
SUN 11/02/07
上午Lichi (愛大 政治關係所/高雄人) 跟我說她媽媽的情況很不樂觀 (因她的媽媽癌症情況很緊急) Lichi 回到台灣已有些天了 上一次跟她通電話是她隔天要上飛機. 打電話給筱山 她因昨晚跑出去玩 又爬不起來了. 後來我才想到 應該帶她去Charlotte Chapel晚上的禮拜 是查路加福音, 但我今天要去上午的 且 禮拜後要趕回家準備明天的presentation 只好把那本聖經多留在我身邊了.
做完禮拜遇到淳婷 也遇到了另一個台灣女生 珮宜 (她還有一個妹妹也在愛丁堡唸書), 之後把Lichi緊急回台灣的事告訴Lynn. 我和淳婷留下來參加教會的學生午餐, 教會的午餐只提供給學生, 共有四張桌子 一桌約12人 每一桌有個leader, 用餐結束後各leader帶查經. 我覺得這樣的方式很棒 也很有意義, 用午餐後能跟大家一起查經 這是我頭一次, 也是我在愛丁堡的第一次.
室友做完禮拜回來時 張樂也跟著來, 他是來幫室友掃毒和借棉被, 看到他正好帶著他的Nikon D50 我就給他看看我的單眼相機, 沒想到我的鏡頭可以放在他的機身上.
晚上 又在房間裡 搞了個小型的劇場 拍了一支實驗動畫, 這支動畫看起來比較完整一點. 沒有這樣做 永遠不知道人偶動畫有多困難 花了幾小時 才拍好兩分多鐘的動畫.
做完禮拜遇到淳婷 也遇到了另一個台灣女生 珮宜 (她還有一個妹妹也在愛丁堡唸書), 之後把Lichi緊急回台灣的事告訴Lynn. 我和淳婷留下來參加教會的學生午餐, 教會的午餐只提供給學生, 共有四張桌子 一桌約12人 每一桌有個leader, 用餐結束後各leader帶查經. 我覺得這樣的方式很棒 也很有意義, 用午餐後能跟大家一起查經 這是我頭一次, 也是我在愛丁堡的第一次.
室友做完禮拜回來時 張樂也跟著來, 他是來幫室友掃毒和借棉被, 看到他正好帶著他的Nikon D50 我就給他看看我的單眼相機, 沒想到我的鏡頭可以放在他的機身上.
晚上 又在房間裡 搞了個小型的劇場 拍了一支實驗動畫, 這支動畫看起來比較完整一點. 沒有這樣做 永遠不知道人偶動畫有多困難 花了幾小時 才拍好兩分多鐘的動畫.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
SAT 10/02/07
淳婷來看我 還帶了她的日本室友從日本帶來給她的餅乾和巧克力
做午餐招待淳婷, 最近為了顧好自己身體晚上都會自己煮來吃, 開始比較上手了, 對於今天招待的菜色相當滿意, 淳廷也很開心. 她也有要參加fellowship的weekend away.
之後 又試拍一支film.
帶淳婷一起參加晚上 在一峰, 明秀 王姝家 的查經. 今天是張樂帶查經. 總算這次順利抵達 (還好這位司機知道Double Hedges Road. 這次有抄下站牌名) 不過還是有按錯門鈴…
今天要來參加查經是因為 1. 張樂有本繁體聖經要給我 讓我送給我身邊未信主的台灣人, 2. 淳婷答應要跟我一起來, 3. 我要回應上週一峰提出的問題(但我不會特地表明我是在回應他), 他上週說:”我不知道有沒有信主 對我有什麼差別 我一樣照顧好自己 做好自己本份”
今天我們查約翰5:30-47, 今天的討論更踴躍了. 張樂今天整理出的問題 和大家的討論 相信聖靈能藉此在一峰心中動工. 今天的討論 連我自己都被提醒, 原本只是因為幾個原因要來參與聚會, 卻意外的有這樣的收穫 真的很棒!! 被提醒的是 當我們討論到 v.44 “你們喜歡彼此恭維 卻不追求從獨一無二的上帝那裡來的稱讚…” 原本的討論是針對一些人對屬世的事情產生出來的行為 後來討論分享後 王姝提到了一點:”我們喜歡被稱讚…” 突然讓我感覺到 我自己似乎有這樣的傾向. 更明顯的是 查經結束後當我們代禱分享時 當淳婷說:”感謝主讓我認識如萍” 我卻沒有當場說:”感謝主” 當我回到家後 開始回想, 反省 我想我有依戀別人的稱讚的傾向, 我覺得某些方面我對別人好 可能只是為了要對方覺得我人很好而已. 雖然我是真的真心要付出這些愛 而我卻長期不曉得自己內心可能潛伏這些因素. 這讓我想起我之前有一次禱告說 我從一位姊妹那裡得到許多讚美 也說我像是她的好朋友 但 我發現 我卻沒有像她有這種感覺 覺得她也是我的好友 因為才認識兩週. 我對人好只是因為這是聖經的教導 只因為我覺得我可以做的到 只因為就是應該對人好, 我發現 我好像不是真的去”愛”一個人, 只是藉著對人的好 來滿足自己的虛榮, 以致於 有時候自己沒先禱告 卻一味的想怎麼幫對方; 或是 忽視自己的需要. 真的很感謝主 回應了我的禱告 我終於有了解答, 而且這樣的提醒 讓我了解到 我過去的行為在人眼中是好的 未必在上帝眼中是好的.
張樂說那本聖經是他在跨年的營會買的, 上面標籤還在, 我還以為是別人給他的… 那本聖經不錯地圖非常詳盡.
做午餐招待淳婷, 最近為了顧好自己身體晚上都會自己煮來吃, 開始比較上手了, 對於今天招待的菜色相當滿意, 淳廷也很開心. 她也有要參加fellowship的weekend away.
之後 又試拍一支film.
帶淳婷一起參加晚上 在一峰, 明秀 王姝家 的查經. 今天是張樂帶查經. 總算這次順利抵達 (還好這位司機知道Double Hedges Road. 這次有抄下站牌名) 不過還是有按錯門鈴…
今天要來參加查經是因為 1. 張樂有本繁體聖經要給我 讓我送給我身邊未信主的台灣人, 2. 淳婷答應要跟我一起來, 3. 我要回應上週一峰提出的問題(但我不會特地表明我是在回應他), 他上週說:”我不知道有沒有信主 對我有什麼差別 我一樣照顧好自己 做好自己本份”
今天我們查約翰5:30-47, 今天的討論更踴躍了. 張樂今天整理出的問題 和大家的討論 相信聖靈能藉此在一峰心中動工. 今天的討論 連我自己都被提醒, 原本只是因為幾個原因要來參與聚會, 卻意外的有這樣的收穫 真的很棒!! 被提醒的是 當我們討論到 v.44 “你們喜歡彼此恭維 卻不追求從獨一無二的上帝那裡來的稱讚…” 原本的討論是針對一些人對屬世的事情產生出來的行為 後來討論分享後 王姝提到了一點:”我們喜歡被稱讚…” 突然讓我感覺到 我自己似乎有這樣的傾向. 更明顯的是 查經結束後當我們代禱分享時 當淳婷說:”感謝主讓我認識如萍” 我卻沒有當場說:”感謝主” 當我回到家後 開始回想, 反省 我想我有依戀別人的稱讚的傾向, 我覺得某些方面我對別人好 可能只是為了要對方覺得我人很好而已. 雖然我是真的真心要付出這些愛 而我卻長期不曉得自己內心可能潛伏這些因素. 這讓我想起我之前有一次禱告說 我從一位姊妹那裡得到許多讚美 也說我像是她的好朋友 但 我發現 我卻沒有像她有這種感覺 覺得她也是我的好友 因為才認識兩週. 我對人好只是因為這是聖經的教導 只因為我覺得我可以做的到 只因為就是應該對人好, 我發現 我好像不是真的去”愛”一個人, 只是藉著對人的好 來滿足自己的虛榮, 以致於 有時候自己沒先禱告 卻一味的想怎麼幫對方; 或是 忽視自己的需要. 真的很感謝主 回應了我的禱告 我終於有了解答, 而且這樣的提醒 讓我了解到 我過去的行為在人眼中是好的 未必在上帝眼中是好的.
張樂說那本聖經是他在跨年的營會買的, 上面標籤還在, 我還以為是別人給他的… 那本聖經不錯地圖非常詳盡.
Friday, February 9, 2007
FRI 09/02/07
我收到比賽單位的email回覆 她們說我可以在20日前寄到. 我真不知來不來得及 但我又問她們未完成的作品的問題 還沒回覆我.
上午才有時間看大姊特地寄來的 “Omen- II” 與第一集相較起來 我比較喜歡第一集, 比較有故事的張力. 現在我看恐怖片or血腥片 當那種鏡頭快要出現時 我就會用手遮住 那些重點鏡頭 這樣我就不會因那些鏡頭留在我腦中 嚇我自己了.
在去銀行的路上 遇到以柔 (雕塑系大三/台灣人)順便問她要怎麼去wood workshop, 謝謝她的指示 否則 我都不知道在哪… 由於我再三思索 不認為我有時間自己做場景 所以還是請技師幫忙比較快. 之後我到HSBC新的位址時, 被裡面超級先進的機器震驚, 他們的存款機不只是收鈔票 也收銅板喔!! 這樣的機器作業好省人力喔~ 我還一直跟行員稱讚她們的儀器 弄得自己好像鄉巴佬.
找Douggi (wood workshop technician) 他人很好 叫我下週二下午再去找他 他會幫我一起完成我要的場景.
今天的International Fellowship查路得記第三章. 決定參加fellowship於2月23至25日辦的weekend away.
上午才有時間看大姊特地寄來的 “Omen- II” 與第一集相較起來 我比較喜歡第一集, 比較有故事的張力. 現在我看恐怖片or血腥片 當那種鏡頭快要出現時 我就會用手遮住 那些重點鏡頭 這樣我就不會因那些鏡頭留在我腦中 嚇我自己了.
在去銀行的路上 遇到以柔 (雕塑系大三/台灣人)順便問她要怎麼去wood workshop, 謝謝她的指示 否則 我都不知道在哪… 由於我再三思索 不認為我有時間自己做場景 所以還是請技師幫忙比較快. 之後我到HSBC新的位址時, 被裡面超級先進的機器震驚, 他們的存款機不只是收鈔票 也收銅板喔!! 這樣的機器作業好省人力喔~ 我還一直跟行員稱讚她們的儀器 弄得自己好像鄉巴佬.
找Douggi (wood workshop technician) 他人很好 叫我下週二下午再去找他 他會幫我一起完成我要的場景.
今天的International Fellowship查路得記第三章. 決定參加fellowship於2月23至25日辦的weekend away.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
THU 08/02/07
今天出門時赫然發現 地上雪白的東西 心中油然升起 ”下雪了” 的意識. 真的好開心 這是我這一生中第一次看到雪, 特別珍惜從宿舍到學校的這段路途, 任憑雪花飄落在我身上, 別人加快腳步 只有我漫步在其中.
兩點June來看我 (週日時June跟我約的) 我們聊了好多 覺得好開心喔 她問我如何踏入教會 當她知道我第一次去的教會是在Guildford 的Millmead Baptist Church 她告訴我她認識的一些人 也是到了Guildford的教會後 信主. 她覺得相當有趣, 我也告訴她我回台灣後 和我從高中認識到現在的好朋友一起到我的母會. 我也問June在Charlotte Chapel教會裡的一些宣教的事工, 她告訴我教會有支持一些宣教師 到台中及其他亞洲國家. June也很關心我在這裡尋找教會的情形 和我個人的狀況, 她很鼓勵我參加教會International Fellowship 2月23日至25日的營會. 我希望我可以去.
今天收到之前參加一個比賽通過初選的email通知, 將在2月20日Malmaison Hotel, Glasgow展出, 可是我的作品都在台灣 且其中一張是取原稿的一部分 因為那張圖還未完成… 真糟.
今天用紙做了一些實驗性的場景 也畫好尺寸 就去找Donald (Course Leader/ Tutor) 結果Donald 卻要我現階段先自己用其他材料做 我知道他的用意, 可是我不想浪費時間. 但我也發現 確實是當我動手做了一些場景後 我感覺到自己又進入了下一階段 我想這應該是動手做的差別.
謝謝老師, 每次跟老師討論 都好用心. 感謝主!
今晚是跟室友們的禱告會, 很感謝主 讓我在這裡 能持續有同伴一起禱告. 禱告前 我自己心中有一股怨氣 因為我必須在室友煮完飯後 才煮我的晚餐和吃飯 而偏偏我又煮了一小時 原本八點的禱告會 被我拖了20分鐘. 很感謝主 在開始唱詩歌後 進入禱告時 把我的心打開. 我真的有這種感覺, 因為那股怨氣在一起禱告後就不在我心中了.
晚上自己試拍film 才幾秒鐘 就發現好難.
兩點June來看我 (週日時June跟我約的) 我們聊了好多 覺得好開心喔 她問我如何踏入教會 當她知道我第一次去的教會是在Guildford 的Millmead Baptist Church 她告訴我她認識的一些人 也是到了Guildford的教會後 信主. 她覺得相當有趣, 我也告訴她我回台灣後 和我從高中認識到現在的好朋友一起到我的母會. 我也問June在Charlotte Chapel教會裡的一些宣教的事工, 她告訴我教會有支持一些宣教師 到台中及其他亞洲國家. June也很關心我在這裡尋找教會的情形 和我個人的狀況, 她很鼓勵我參加教會International Fellowship 2月23日至25日的營會. 我希望我可以去.
今天收到之前參加一個比賽通過初選的email通知, 將在2月20日Malmaison Hotel, Glasgow展出, 可是我的作品都在台灣 且其中一張是取原稿的一部分 因為那張圖還未完成… 真糟.
今天用紙做了一些實驗性的場景 也畫好尺寸 就去找Donald (Course Leader/ Tutor) 結果Donald 卻要我現階段先自己用其他材料做 我知道他的用意, 可是我不想浪費時間. 但我也發現 確實是當我動手做了一些場景後 我感覺到自己又進入了下一階段 我想這應該是動手做的差別.
謝謝老師, 每次跟老師討論 都好用心. 感謝主!
今晚是跟室友們的禱告會, 很感謝主 讓我在這裡 能持續有同伴一起禱告. 禱告前 我自己心中有一股怨氣 因為我必須在室友煮完飯後 才煮我的晚餐和吃飯 而偏偏我又煮了一小時 原本八點的禱告會 被我拖了20分鐘. 很感謝主 在開始唱詩歌後 進入禱告時 把我的心打開. 我真的有這種感覺, 因為那股怨氣在一起禱告後就不在我心中了.
晚上自己試拍film 才幾秒鐘 就發現好難.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
TUE 06/02/07
Went to see Graham he told me Jean will send me an application form(FfPW) again.
I met Shiao Hsan in the afternoon after she had tutorial with her tutor David. David will help her to consult with Noe, course leader of Film & TV.
I was absent to join the “building block” class in Charlotte Chapel Church.
I met Shiao Hsan in the afternoon after she had tutorial with her tutor David. David will help her to consult with Noe, course leader of Film & TV.
I was absent to join the “building block” class in Charlotte Chapel Church.
Monday, February 5, 2007
MON 05/02/07
Today is Kate(Illustration) and my classmate’s presentation, their works are quite good. Next week is my tern… My oh my.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
SUN 04/02/07
I really enjoy today’s Sabbath and after service I met one Taiwanese brother Jia Han who is Yi Hsin憶欣’ s flat mate (both of them went to International Fellowship on Friday ) and Wuan Tsue崔婉 who is Lynn’s colleague and I met a man who came from Greece (I met him in the fellowship but it’s no chance to have a chat) and I told him I like Kataefe then he seemed so happy and he said he always made some sweets for fellowship, sounds great!!
Then I went to meet with Shiao Hsan in the entrance of Waverley Station. She was feeling sad about what her course leader told her and she also felt her budget will run out soon, so she has being so depress few days and yesterday she phone me but I was on the way to join the Chinese fellowship in Su Wang’s house. She looked so inactive because she went to drink with her friends in the mid night. We went to McDonald’s and talked many things and I gave her some suggestions and tried to cheer her up and remind her, “Never loose your confidence and determine.” May God protect Shiao Hsan and be with her.
Then I went to meet with Shiao Hsan in the entrance of Waverley Station. She was feeling sad about what her course leader told her and she also felt her budget will run out soon, so she has being so depress few days and yesterday she phone me but I was on the way to join the Chinese fellowship in Su Wang’s house. She looked so inactive because she went to drink with her friends in the mid night. We went to McDonald’s and talked many things and I gave her some suggestions and tried to cheer her up and remind her, “Never loose your confidence and determine.” May God protect Shiao Hsan and be with her.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
SAT 03/02/07
Met with Lucy(Volunteer, Taiwan ) in front of Charlotte Chapel’s door then we went to find Berkeley Scott which is an agency for the jobs needed people
I went to The fourth Bridge, South Queensferry, with Lucy and Elma, when we bought 3 tickets I forgot to ask when the train would arrive (I a so unprofessional) then I went to another desk to ask then we found out the station in South Queensferry named as Dalmeny, I told my friends to see the screen if you want to find the platform, this time is their first time traveling by train in the UK, I felt so happy.
We took a lot of photos there and chatting a lot, Lucy who 休學 for her MA of 獸醫 in Chung Sin University, Taichung. I told her I had a turtle before, when it sick I brought it to see Kuang Zhong Don who is one of the staff of 獸醫. I hope next Sat. all of us can going out again.
Then they decided to go to my flats when we out of Haymarket train station (which the station is near to my accommodation) went to Greggs home as our lunchs, we met Chinese workers there and I ask her whether they need part time workers or not then she gave me a form and an envelope very nice to me, I felt so appreciate to her, the new recruit is Greggs new scheme and also the application form, last time I came I found zero.
Ate the soup which I cooked for them
Walked with Elma then took bus to Shu Wang’s house crescent / milemeny- Double Hedges Road, I got off bus at milviled castle, tried to take bus back to the place, when I waited there I found the stars were so clear.
After I pray the bus come and ask the driver to inform me when arrived at Double Hedges Road but he doesn’t know where it is so I pay much attention to see the bus stops’ name. When he just passed by the road he shouted loud and told me the road just passed so I got off the bus and went down the road, Shan Lo told me that Le Chang came out to bring me to the place.
We discus John 5 today it’ s rally good that everyone were exciting to discuss and then we pray for 5 issue, thanks God for everything, He is so powerful.
Le Chang will be baptized in Kings Church; Shan Lo and other 4 sisters and brothers will be baptized during Easter. I found I miss them after the period hadn’t seen them since the Christmas.
After the bible study is prayer time, Le Chang led us to pray, though he is young in Christian life but he has the passion to do and he pray quite well but I found he has a bit rush, but he is really diligent more than other some Christians.
I went to The fourth Bridge, South Queensferry, with Lucy and Elma, when we bought 3 tickets I forgot to ask when the train would arrive (I a so unprofessional) then I went to another desk to ask then we found out the station in South Queensferry named as Dalmeny, I told my friends to see the screen if you want to find the platform, this time is their first time traveling by train in the UK, I felt so happy.
We took a lot of photos there and chatting a lot, Lucy who 休學 for her MA of 獸醫 in Chung Sin University, Taichung. I told her I had a turtle before, when it sick I brought it to see Kuang Zhong Don who is one of the staff of 獸醫. I hope next Sat. all of us can going out again.
Then they decided to go to my flats when we out of Haymarket train station (which the station is near to my accommodation) went to Greggs home as our lunchs, we met Chinese workers there and I ask her whether they need part time workers or not then she gave me a form and an envelope very nice to me, I felt so appreciate to her, the new recruit is Greggs new scheme and also the application form, last time I came I found zero.
Ate the soup which I cooked for them
Walked with Elma then took bus to Shu Wang’s house crescent / milemeny- Double Hedges Road, I got off bus at milviled castle, tried to take bus back to the place, when I waited there I found the stars were so clear.
After I pray the bus come and ask the driver to inform me when arrived at Double Hedges Road but he doesn’t know where it is so I pay much attention to see the bus stops’ name. When he just passed by the road he shouted loud and told me the road just passed so I got off the bus and went down the road, Shan Lo told me that Le Chang came out to bring me to the place.
We discus John 5 today it’ s rally good that everyone were exciting to discuss and then we pray for 5 issue, thanks God for everything, He is so powerful.
Le Chang will be baptized in Kings Church; Shan Lo and other 4 sisters and brothers will be baptized during Easter. I found I miss them after the period hadn’t seen them since the Christmas.
After the bible study is prayer time, Le Chang led us to pray, though he is young in Christian life but he has the passion to do and he pray quite well but I found he has a bit rush, but he is really diligent more than other some Christians.
Friday, February 2, 2007
FRI 02/02/07
I woke up early when I ate breakfast I read a passage of bible which belong to my Malaysia flat mate, it’s Today’s English Version, and the passage is Judges 5, I found I got some different feeling and interesting by read it without Chinese words accompany.
Meeting with Graham to write the reference for me to Charitable foundation, after he tried to cooperated with me to type his words then he asked Jenny for help, thanks to their help. And I met Peter there who is pastor of one parish church, last time is also the first time I met him during International Party after the matriculation day.
When I went to room J03 which Selina will presented her films but the door was lucked and I met Allan (thanks God) he told me the place was changed to projection room which is quite big and has a nice view to see the castle. Selina, graduated in 2002 of Edinburgh College of Art, present to all the students here after five years she worked for advertisement and being a freelancer a long time and some of the projects were on fund, I like her works, the two films are illustration animation.
Short meeting with Allan and Donald we talked about the settings for my testing film which were generated in yesterday morning.
On the way to Charlotte Chapel I went to tea shop, which near to Shiao Hsan’s flat, to ask about the part time job again.
-met many people today- Ann, Joy, Jane, 罕利, June, Mark, Zhao Mei, Lynn and Lenard.
Talk about C. 2 of book of Ruth
Lynn told me her colleague needs a nanny to take care of her children while she and her husband want to go out in their leisure time.
Meeting with Graham to write the reference for me to Charitable foundation, after he tried to cooperated with me to type his words then he asked Jenny for help, thanks to their help. And I met Peter there who is pastor of one parish church, last time is also the first time I met him during International Party after the matriculation day.
When I went to room J03 which Selina will presented her films but the door was lucked and I met Allan (thanks God) he told me the place was changed to projection room which is quite big and has a nice view to see the castle. Selina, graduated in 2002 of Edinburgh College of Art, present to all the students here after five years she worked for advertisement and being a freelancer a long time and some of the projects were on fund, I like her works, the two films are illustration animation.
Short meeting with Allan and Donald we talked about the settings for my testing film which were generated in yesterday morning.
On the way to Charlotte Chapel I went to tea shop, which near to Shiao Hsan’s flat, to ask about the part time job again.
-met many people today- Ann, Joy, Jane, 罕利, June, Mark, Zhao Mei, Lynn and Lenard.
Talk about C. 2 of book of Ruth
Lynn told me her colleague needs a nanny to take care of her children while she and her husband want to go out in their leisure time.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
THU 01/02/07
After I woke up when I started eating my breakfast I found I have a feeling to generate some settings for my short film therefore I stayed in lounge a couple of while then went to college to meet with Donald and Johnny. When I told to Donald I prefer to a room has more oxygen then Johnny show us to go to a room which is near my department and I never been there. The room looks like formal for a meeting.
Johnny told me he will view up my proposal and we might have some discussion by emailing, he wants me to re-build my title for my dissertation to be smaller size which can be definite within 7000 words and think 2 to 3 sub-topics in the dissertation. Sounds interesting to write a dissertation I hope I have more time.
I made a dinner for me before the prayer time with my flat mates. We prayed a lot I quite moved and my Chinese flat mate decided back to China in the summer or he will re-think about whether keep stay here or not in that time. I found I have a feeling that don’t want he back home and I found I have to join their evening group in Sue Wang’s home on Saturday. Because I know he(my flat mate) wants to be strong Christian, I think maybe I can remind him something he unaware of and I also can share with all the Christians there to re-build the relationship with them if I am strong enough or stronger than others. The reason is I realize if one of them back to their home town and hard to find a church or to go to a church is not as easy as in the UK, whether they will lose the faith or not. If they are strong Christian at least they can be the candle of light in China.
The reason he wants back to China is he is hard to find a suitable job here and there is almost 2 years job hutting and his VISA will on due in the begin of next year.
However I found I have 3 days a week in church I am afraid if I go to join Saturday night’s group with them I will lose the time to study.
I wrote a letter to Liyun:
May God bless you and be with you everyday every moment, if you have spare time on Tuesday I would like to introduce you to join the building block course in Charlotte Chapel church, it's for Christian who need a foundation I took the course from two weeks ago, even though being a Christian 2 and half years, but what I need is to listen to His words and read His words.
I was being like you doing services in my home church I like to do service at that time, actually, I am still laking His words, it's not good for me because I got the passion but without His spirit therefore I tried to balance my time in church and in study the year before I came to Edinburgh, but I still not read bible everyday, and I can not have patient to read from Gen.
Thank God, let me can be sensitive on His way eventhough I am laking His words. So after I come here I tried to read bible everyday and I really can do that day by day. I know I am still laking His words but I know what I need, if I want to be strong Christian I need His words and practise His words. The first year in my Christian life I found I am laking His words but at that time I was a vice leader of youth fellowship, I was very busy to do services I spend the time like full time services in church that I found I am too busy to read bible just being doing services but I also had chance to share the good news to other people, the worst situation is when I want to share the good news I can not find the words in scripture so I keep remember what I am laking till I have time then I can do it. Last year before I come here I still can not find the time because I am preparing to study abroad. So when I got here I told myself I want to have the time to read more God's words and I want to be strong Christian. Right now I am not strong enough but I bare the goal in my mind.
What I am trying to say is don't worry about what you are laking, just pray and to obtain it from God, do it as soon as you can, and be patient. He has time, and if you found you are still laking and you can not help in the right moment what you can do is don't forget what you are laking of and keep the relationship with God. You will have more chance in your home country to practice. May Abba, Father gives you more power and wisdom. You are better than me, you can be a very strong Christian in the first two years in your Christian life. Pray in Jesus precious name, A man.
Johnny told me he will view up my proposal and we might have some discussion by emailing, he wants me to re-build my title for my dissertation to be smaller size which can be definite within 7000 words and think 2 to 3 sub-topics in the dissertation. Sounds interesting to write a dissertation I hope I have more time.
I made a dinner for me before the prayer time with my flat mates. We prayed a lot I quite moved and my Chinese flat mate decided back to China in the summer or he will re-think about whether keep stay here or not in that time. I found I have a feeling that don’t want he back home and I found I have to join their evening group in Sue Wang’s home on Saturday. Because I know he(my flat mate) wants to be strong Christian, I think maybe I can remind him something he unaware of and I also can share with all the Christians there to re-build the relationship with them if I am strong enough or stronger than others. The reason is I realize if one of them back to their home town and hard to find a church or to go to a church is not as easy as in the UK, whether they will lose the faith or not. If they are strong Christian at least they can be the candle of light in China.
The reason he wants back to China is he is hard to find a suitable job here and there is almost 2 years job hutting and his VISA will on due in the begin of next year.
However I found I have 3 days a week in church I am afraid if I go to join Saturday night’s group with them I will lose the time to study.
I wrote a letter to Liyun:
May God bless you and be with you everyday every moment, if you have spare time on Tuesday I would like to introduce you to join the building block course in Charlotte Chapel church, it's for Christian who need a foundation I took the course from two weeks ago, even though being a Christian 2 and half years, but what I need is to listen to His words and read His words.
I was being like you doing services in my home church I like to do service at that time, actually, I am still laking His words, it's not good for me because I got the passion but without His spirit therefore I tried to balance my time in church and in study the year before I came to Edinburgh, but I still not read bible everyday, and I can not have patient to read from Gen.
Thank God, let me can be sensitive on His way eventhough I am laking His words. So after I come here I tried to read bible everyday and I really can do that day by day. I know I am still laking His words but I know what I need, if I want to be strong Christian I need His words and practise His words. The first year in my Christian life I found I am laking His words but at that time I was a vice leader of youth fellowship, I was very busy to do services I spend the time like full time services in church that I found I am too busy to read bible just being doing services but I also had chance to share the good news to other people, the worst situation is when I want to share the good news I can not find the words in scripture so I keep remember what I am laking till I have time then I can do it. Last year before I come here I still can not find the time because I am preparing to study abroad. So when I got here I told myself I want to have the time to read more God's words and I want to be strong Christian. Right now I am not strong enough but I bare the goal in my mind.
What I am trying to say is don't worry about what you are laking, just pray and to obtain it from God, do it as soon as you can, and be patient. He has time, and if you found you are still laking and you can not help in the right moment what you can do is don't forget what you are laking of and keep the relationship with God. You will have more chance in your home country to practice. May Abba, Father gives you more power and wisdom. You are better than me, you can be a very strong Christian in the first two years in your Christian life. Pray in Jesus precious name, A man.
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